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Swan IW3 In-Wall Home Theater System
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Home Theather In-wall
Installation method I

1. Determine the wall installation position of the in-wall audio IW3 according to the interior decoration.

2. Open a 252x622x105mm installation position on the determined wall installation position. (Figure 1)

Note: It is recommended to reserve the installation position during decoration.

3. Push the expansion rubber sleeve in the accessories into the wall according to the hole of the box.

4. Use the EVA strip in the attachment to stick a circle around the back of the speaker (as shown in Figure 2).

5. Connect the speaker cable, push the speaker into the mounting hole on the wall, and fix the speaker to the wall with PW4x35 screws (as shown in Figure 3).

Installation method II

1. Determine the position and height of the speaker hanging on the wall according to the actual placement position, so as to determine the installation position of hook A.

2. Use hook A to locate the hole for the mounting position on the wall, and punch the hole on the wall.

3. Knock the expansion rubber sleeve into the punched hole, and fix the hook A on the wall with screws (as shown in Figure 1).

4. Hang the hanging piece A on the rear panel of the speaker to the hook A and connect the speaker cable to hang the speaker on the wall (as shown in Figure 2 and 3).

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